Ukraine Mess

If the UK had wanted, they could’ve stepped in and assisted in negotiations to stop the war right from the start. And the money that was sent would’ve been kept to sort itself out. Can't say about elsewhere, but look at some places in London. It's 2024 but they look similar to those gypsy slums in Romania. And how about the crazy food prices in shops now?
Not much chance of that EVER happening while they remain a lapdog to the US, who are the biggest warmongers of them all, yet continue to get a free pass.

The US military industrial complex has to, by hook or by crook (almost virtually by crook tbh), to continue to get all those lovely US dollars flooding into their coffers.
And with scum like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and Sleepy Joe Demented F**kwit holding positions of power and influence, (which is their one way ticket to seeing their own personal wealth increase exponentially alongside that of the US MIC - mainly because they have been bought and paid for and dwell eternally inside the pockets of the big corporations), there's not a chance it will change anytime soon.

US = Not the leaders of the free world, more like the leaders of the free to do whatever the hell they like and never get called out on it world
I don't believe that all this money goes to the right hands and purpose. During the 2 years, they've got $175 billion from the US, £12 billion from the UK, and €77.2 billion from the EU, let alone the rest of the world. That's a lot of money considering the relatively small war-zone territory, and not even counting the military aid from many countries they get.


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as of May 16, 2024.

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Plus, i believe they get a lot in crypto and then somehow turn it into fiat currencies through CoinsPaid.

This video of the CoinsPaid founder Max Krupyshev confirms it.

CoinsPaid by the way is a crypto payment processor at most crypto casinos you can find online.


Maybe i'm wrong but to me, it just looks unrealistic that the money they get isn't enough. My disbelief could be related to a perfect knowledge of what Ukrainians as people are all about. So nothing i can do about it, and i'm not against this nation in any way.

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