UK Conservative Party Leadership Election

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Least Useless is out. Hard to know if it's arrogance or incompetence than seen him off. A good example, like Nadine D, of a politician promoted whilst falling upwards.

Pretty odd to say Regan wasn't a miss, to then ask for her support basically and then say no deal all in the one sentence, but that's Yousaf.

Forbes will be the wrong choice so hope they pick someone not associated with the Cult of Saint Nicola.

Unionists getting excited, probably shouldn't - the SNP, years ago, successfully separated (IMO) Independence (Brexit to English readers) to Party but it can't do them any good.

And no one wants Alex Salmond back in the mix, creeping around as he does.
Least Useless is out.

Forbes will be the wrong choice so hope they pick someone not associated with the Cult of Saint Nicola.

Unionists getting excited, probably shouldn't - the SNP, years ago, successfully separated (IMO) Independence (Brexit to English readers) to Party but it can't do them any good.

And no one wants Alex Salmond back in the mix, creeping around as he does.
Yes, he does have a touch of the night about him.

At least Abu Hamza was the first SNP leader in over a decade to not get arrested for serious offences, so he achieved something. His relatives deal drugs though and they did, but I'm not sure that counts.
The problem is, there's too many white people in Scotland for some reason, a weird thing to say when you want them to vote for your party. I think he had fantasies about it being colonized like London so there would be pro-hamas marches by useful idiots to make him feel a bit more at home.
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To be honest, i don't think the backlash against him here was anything about his ethnicity (despite rags like the Mail/Telegraph trying to portray him as such - yes, that speech he made years ago, raised by Musk (fruitcake, who sleeps with a rifle by his bed apparently), was ill judged, and very selective. Eg no one i know, who disliked him, viewed him as being anti white, they just, well, didn't like him and his policies.

But more the fact, with independence falling off the radar, quite rightly, the SG's record was being scrutinised in more detail in recent times and found to be slightly lacking.
As the UK finally starts to implement post-Brexit border checks (they've been put off five times already because of the massive cost and logistical nightmare, hence the 'border car park' that they've had to build 15 miles away from Dover), and the UK starts to come to terms with (even more) of the calamity of Brexit, Iain Dale tries an admittedly novel approach in blaming Remainers for not pointing out that all this sort of shit would absolutely occur as a result of the hard Brexit pursued by Theresa May, and then even more so by Johnson.

There is about 5% of UK GDP, tens of billions of pounds worth of trade and billions in tax revenues, sat right there on the table, all an incoming Labour government has to do is reach out and take it.

I'll say one for thing for Brexit, it's fucked the Tories and possibly seen them out of power for two or even three parliamentary terms, they might yet completely implode before this whole thing is done.

But it's ok, we'll just call them remoaners (yawn) and stifle debate ....

Iain Dale's view was very novel, can't believe he came out with that :laugh:

I did hear a Brexit fan, and commentator, say (without a hint of irony): and Humza (not his biggest fan) and the SNP have lied over the cost of independence, which did make me chuckle :laugh:

Wait until you see what's happened to UK government debt under the Tories!

The 'DEATH OF THE EU' has been gleefully predicted ever since the 2016 referendum, BRITAIN WILL LEAD THE WAY OUT OF BROKEN EU and all the rest of it, and yet here we are in 2024 and the bloc, for all of its faults and foibles (which have always existed and I have always acknowledged), remains completely intact.

The slow reversal of Brexit is baked in at this point, I see the Tories have been brutalised in the local elections overnight, this will carry forward into the general election, far too many people in the UK have just absolutely had enough of the Tories' shite, and despite a lack of enthusiasm for Labour, they'll almost certainly form the next government with a solid majority.

From there, Starmer will have five years to start to show some results, to be able to go back to the British people in 2029 and to have those people feel his government has been making their lives better, so that they'll vote Labour again. For that he's going to need money, lots of money. The good news is lots of money is available, and to get that money, we're going to have to start building bridges with the EU.

The other thing Starmer will have going for him is that Brexit has failed, completely and utterly, and very visibly. We're into the realms of grand self-delusion for anyone to claim it's been a success, or that success is just around the corner, anyone with a remotely functioning brain can readily identify it's a mortally wounded animal that needs to be put out of its misery, so it'll be an easy sell to start to roll it back in all kinds of ways (regulatory alignment and suchlike), without uttering the dreaded 'rejoin' word.
'Alexa, show me what denial looks like'.

As an aside, I saw that Count Binface beat Britain First in the London Mayoral elections, it'd take a heart of stone not to have a laugh at that one.

We're into extinction level event territory here, and whilst these numbers (almost....) certainly won't carry forward into a GE, the level of disgust with the Tories now, and the overwhelming desire to just get them the fuck out, is going to be what propels voting at the next general election.

They can cling on for a bit longer, but we're at the point now where the longer they refuse to call a general election, the worse it's going to be when the British people finally get to have their say.

If Labour had any sense, they'd use their first term to ditch FPTP and bring in Proportional Representation, there's a steady, permanent majority for progressive centre-left politics in the UK, and bringing in PR would finally nuke the Tories from orbit - which would be an entirely good thing.


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