N1 Casino: the haters gonna hate

... Stop shilling N1 as the bias on here is blatantly obvious.
Exactly, Max how much $ u getting?
I'm amazed at how many sycophants there are in here. ...
Well that's enough of that BS, ban hammer applied. Happy trails to you.

I've already said it many times but we base our conclusions on actual evidence we have on hand, not hearsay. If anyone has a case against N1 that they need assistance with and/or they believe supports the claims being made against N1 then by all means Submit a PAB and I'll be happy to investigate, assuming you respect the Player Arbitration Policies and Procedures.

The PAB process costs you nothing but a little time and patience while we work through the process. Assuming your claims are legitimate and we find there is other supporting evidence then that will be first-hand material we can take action on.

FTR the same principles apply in reverse. We've had operators complain that a player is abusive and/or cheating and/or <name your sin>. "That's terrible" we say and ask for supporting evidence. If the casino has no such evidence, or their "evidence" proves nothing of the sort, then their claims are moot and we go back to square one.

AFAIC we act on evidence that we've seen, not what someone said somewhere on the internet. Does that make us slower to act than might be the case elsewhere? Yes, no doubt in certain circumstances it does, but it also means that when we do take action we're confident it is warranted and justified.
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N1 Casino is an Accredited Casino at Casinomeister
I thought it might be worthwhile sharing our stats on N1 complaints. Since 2019 we've had 9 PABs against N1, so roughly 2 per year which is more or less what we'd expect from a fairly well known, active casino.
  • Of those 9 cases 6 were resolved in favour of the player, meaning they got paid or the casino resolved whatever other issue it was the player had.
  • 2 cases were thrown out because the player ignored the PAB Rules: the first because the player kept posting on the forums and this recent one where the player had gone to the police and that required us to withdraw.
  • 1 case is still in progress and we're waiting for a response from the player.
  • Over those 4 years we've found the casino to be responsive and cooperative on player complaints.
The net result is that we've observed no systemic problems at N1 and what problems do arise are dealt with fairly and in good time.

I get that people have other opinions and have drawn different conclusions. I've yet to see reliable evidence that we should join them.
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In my many years in academia, completing a PhD and attaining the position of assistant professor, I have dealt with a lot of bullshit.
You know full well you filter the PABs and the process of a single player taking on a casino is that of David and Goliath. If you cannot see this, you might just have lost perspective of life. Threatening to kick me to the curb, further shows you might have lost perspective.

There is ample evidence N1 has cheated players, their score on various PLAYER review sites is very low (1.8 on Trustpilot). I can introduce you to at least 5 players having reported the same issue as myself. My job is based on gaining trust of other academics, and my word means everything in my profession, so if you cannot take the word of a university professor, then I don't know who you will take. Bias bias bias.

I'm amazed at how many sycophants there are in here. No one would bother wasting their time if the treatment we received was not appalling. I am a university professor and specialize in diverse intake of students. Customer care is my specialization, I know what is the bare minimum standard to expect from an establishment. N1 pissed on me and the rest of its customer base, this is evident. Max just plays devil's advocate. If he had even the remotest interest in siding with players he would listen to us.
As a university professor, you get a big fat F for failure to do your homework. :p

You have not a clue who you are dealing with. You want to play your "I've got a PhD" card? Guess what? Before starting Casinomeister, I earned a terminal degree (Master of Fine Arts) AND have worked as an Associate Professor at the US International University in San Diego as well as SDSU and the community colleges all around SD, California.

Besides that brief stint, I was a US Army Drill Sergeant, a Platoon Sergeant, a Squad Leader which included leading a squad of combat engineers in combat in Iraq, and deployments to Central America. Should I keep going?

If anyone has experienced and seen a lot of bullshit, it is moi - it's not you. Your pathetic first-world cry-baby boohoo-fest is a laugh.

Your blabbering about "evidence" and how bent we are concerning N1Casino just further underscores your inability to READ and COMPREHEND instructions. I don't need to repeat your failings here - it's embarrassing enough.

Like Max said - send those five folks here. If they are in the right, we will get them paid. In fact, I am sure those five folks are reading this right now - so join up, open a PAB ticket, and you'll get squared away.

And if you want to trash our PAB service, good luck. We are one of the very few ADR services that have certified ADRs, and we have more experience than any entity out there +24 years worth. Our service is second to none, and have many, many players who will agree with me.
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Back to the original topic of this thread, Max was simply discussing the stats of our PAB service and N1 Casino and making observations. It was not a woo woo promotional thread - and it was not an invitation for folks to chime in with unsubstantiated complaints or hearsay. We stand by our findings, and if there are complaints out there that need to be addressed, then by all means bring them on. Flood our PAB service with these complaints - and of course, if these complaints are from bad behaviour on the casino's part, I have no issue in changing its status here. We need complaints to keep things in check.

To jammer on about complaints elsewhere won't and never has cut it for me. I know how the Internet works, and I know that there are a lot of sore losers who will find fault in everything but themselves.

So I hope by the end of the week, we will have a load of these N1 complaints to sort through and deal with accurately and professionally.
So what if N1 decides to ignore those PAB's? What are the consequences in here, they get booted off the "recommended" section?

There's too much of evidence on the net where players where heavily duped, sacked, you name it. It does'nt take a PAB to get the absolute evidence to it. Casino's from curacao do not have the highest reputation for a reason. And their license comes with a package of butter it seems; upholding the most ridiculous requests in terms of verification.

Fact that a "major" brand like "Stake" is these days recommended to "not withdrawal" more then 10k; you might run into "verification issues". I mean that alone tells enough about trustworthy of stake. They got millions of marketing budgets, puppets promoting the brand but a withdrawal of more then 10k seems to be an absolute issue with curacao casino's. I guess why. They just dont like winning players do they?

I got a good solid one for you, let the player uphold a copy of his or her ID, followed with a video message, saying the date of today and the username on the casino. You can't fake that to be honest. I mean i do run some websites here and there too in where some users need to verify themself, but only to guarantee their identity and that we're dealing with the real advertiser in this case.

It's not so difficult. I think they are having a good laugh out there from the N1 studio thinking of such things in the first place.
Don't get ripped off by shady casinos - check out the Accredited section before playing
So what if N1 decides to ignore those PAB's? What are the consequences in here, they get booted off the "recommended" section?
In a word, yes. We've done it before and no doubt there will be circumstances where we'll do it again. Bryan has already said as much.

That said there is no reason to expect they will. Look at the PAB record I posted above. What there tells you they'll "ignore those PAB's"? Nothing, AFAICT.

It does'nt take a PAB to get the absolute evidence to it.

It does for us. As Bryan and I have both already said, we base our conclusions on our evidence, not some random scrapings off the web. The PAB process allows us to gain insight into a situation -- or better yet, several situations across a number of PABs -- that internet hearsay never can and never will.

And FTR the Curacao license is not as cut-and-dried as you'd like to think it is. Some of the best long-term operators in the business hold Curacao licenses: they're good because they're good people regardless of the Curacao licenses. People like to point to the UKGC or whatever and say "now there's a license!" Really? Ladbrokes? WillHill? 888? GoWild? And suchlike. All are or were UKGC license holders and they've never been much more than big money hoovers. Try filing a complaint against them; your average Curacao licensee is a damn sight more cooperative than those behemoths ever were.

Admittedly the UKGC has done a lot of good for the industry but the blanket of respectability it gives to the big corporate money machines is not one of their finest moments. And those £10-15M fines? That's not even a slap on the wrist for the monster casino operators. Ladbrokes parent company for instance raked in £3.6B in 2021. So let's be "generous" and say they got a £20M fine ... that's roughly 1/2 of 1% of their gross if I've got the numbers right. That's not a fine, that's not even coffee money for them. That's pocket change that fell into the lounge couch AND was returned to its original owner.

If the UKGC were serious they'd scale the fines to the size of the operation and Lads would be paying £200M fines, at least. So no, UKGC is not the protective all-father that they'd like to appear to be. And in truth, no licensing operation really is. A few come close, Kahnawake for one is well ahead of the pack (in modern times, their early history is another story). The bottom line is that when it comes down to it you need to look at the individual casino to know what they are, the license isn't going to tell you a whole lot and certainly not what you need to know. A bad license can and should be a red flag but if that's all you're looking at then you're just taking the easy way out.

PS. N1Casino is currently licensed in Malta. I assume we're all aware of that.
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@Jeroensgambling - for an experienced member here, you're not exhibiting the experience I thought you would project. You are repeating yourself more or less accusing us of coddling casinos yet our track record shows otherwise. Why not spend a few minutes and research the Fall From Graces we have had over the past two decades. There are no sacred cows at Casinomeister - and you should know this and support us in this matter.

Furthermore, I am waiting for the flood of legitimate complaints about N1 to come pouring in. Yesterday I made an appeal for these five players who claim to have been cheated, and their brethren as well, and all I hear are crickets.

I won't be badgered into making a serious judgement call concerning someone's business when it's based on hearsay. I would be an idiot to do so, and an idiot I am not.
Alright well i hope your right. And that these players get threated fairly rather then the bad reputation that hangs around N1.
I usually not reply, i am just reading and enjoy what i am reading.
First of all i will say that MAx and this website have a lot of respect from my side , especially that i had a PAB here and i won. the case was simple if you ask me and ofcourse the casino was using so called "T&C" to retain my winnings , even if it was illegal.
But coming back to the topic i will be the 1st one who let's say will post an evidence that N1 is using the tactic of stalling the winnings. What you will see in the ss i will atack is how many times N1 casino was ask me to verify the SAME BANK ACCOUNT. Ofcourse this was happening every time i had a windrawl. I mean you don't think they asked me this when i deposit.
Now if you think i won big...neah the biggest windrawl request was for like 700 Euro(and i think i am "even" as winnings/deposits) , and also the most funny event ever. So initially i have requested 350 when the message with "rejected" come. Ofcourse i said "here we go again" so i was head to cservice and start the chat.
Like always they said that they do regually checks over the customers(right the last one was a month ago and ofocurse in a case of taking winnings out). Now beeing like 9 or 10 time for me it was something usual so i said "what do you need?". Ofcourse they asked a screenshot or bank statement for a transaction wich was like 1 month ago.
Now in the meantime i said ..ok i will be bored so let me play with 50 and maybe i will escape with 300 :)..So in the time i was giving the info requested i was playng some mt 3. After i was give the documents requested and the operator said that everything is ok and i should request a new windrawl i was hit a bonus. did not palyed straight away as something was come up and i was need to leave for like 1 hour.
When i comeback i started the bonus and surprise....400 euro win. So i was going to windrawl section , put a request of 700 and surprise "REJECTED". Going back to customer chat , told what is the problem and surprise again ..The operator told me i should provide again a bank statement or a screenshot of a transaction wich was taken place like 3 months ago. I told him that i was just do somekind of same verification around 90 minutes ago..And yes he said he know that , but now the "system" is asking for that.
Is no use to tell you that was the same bank account :)))))))).
So bottom line is that the owners of this forum they are tryng to do something for wich they have my respect , but is like 1% of the reality. I saw somewhere MAx replied that players are coming here and open a PAB and etc. That's right..but how many? How many from 100% with windrawl issues are coming here? Or how many do they even bother to open a PAB?
Second i hear a lot of Terms and Conditions..But i am really have a hard time to find out some legal stuff. Like i understand things about the "Liceense" , but if you sell a product to customers wich comes from X Country, then your T&C should be in accordance with the legislations of the X Country...or i am wrong? I mean any company should have T&C, but that T&C should be in acordance with that country laws?


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... So bottom line is that the owners of this forum they are tryng to do something for wich they have my respect , but is like 1% of the reality. I saw somewhere MAx replied that players are coming here and open a PAB and etc. That's right..but how many? How many from 100% with windrawl issues are coming here? Or how many do they even bother to open a PAB?
Second i hear a lot of Terms and Conditions..But i am really have a hard time to find out some legal stuff. Like i understand things about the "Liceense" , but if you sell a product to customers wich comes from X Country, then your T&C should be in accordance with the legislations of the X Country...or i am wrong? I mean any company should have T&C, but that T&C should be in acordance with that country laws?
Hello and thank you for your post. I get what you are saying, no doubt the repeated account renewals are a PITA, but at some point we have to draw a line and base our conclusions on what we know to be true. And so far what we know to be true is what I've said here over and over again: few official complaints (PABs), all reasonably handled (most in favour of the player), and perfectly decent Support staff to deal with complaints we bring to them. Yes, YMMV, but until we have good evidence on the table in front of us verified by us and our procedures then we have to base our conclusions on what we do have.

More than one person has said "yeah but just because you haven't seen valid complaints against N1 doesn't mean they don't exist". Quite so, 100% possible that we're not seeing the whole story, yet. But you know what? Our process, getting the facts before making judgements, has served us very well indeed over the years. It's not often we make a bad call -- it happens but I'd wager you can count the number of times on your fingers and given that Casinomeister has been doing what it does for well over 20 years that's not a bad record to hold -- and there's a reason for that: exactly because we wait to see the proof before we drop the axe.

And so it is here. Yes this can be frustrating at times but over the years we've seen off more than a few mob uprisings against Casino XYZ that proved, in the end, to be far less of a capitol offence than the popular voice would have it. In our opinion it's better to dig in our heels and ask questions first. If you want to condemn us for that then so be it but also remember this: if and when the evidence is in hand then we will act accordingly. We've proven this time and time again -- our Fall From Grace section of the Casinomeister Awards is a good and ongoing demonstration of that -- and will continue to do so.

As to the question of casino legality: the general wisdom is that if you play at a casino that is licensed in XYZ jurisdiction then it's the laws of that jurisdiction's home country that apply. After all, that's the country that is responsible for and has powers over said licensing body (however flacid said powers may be). So no, it's generally not your home country's laws that apply. To be frank, all kinds of businesses -- from oil companies to arms dealers to pharmaceutical sales to casinos -- choose their "home" country based on favourable local laws. The fact that this is often done in order to get away with a shopping list of loathsome practices is just one of the many crimes humanity inflicts upon itself: justice is fleet of foot and a very elusive beast.
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Don't get ripped off by shady casinos - check out the Accredited section before playing
Just to chime in real quick - It's been about week since I asked publicly for those five individuals to join us here and submit a PAB ticket. We will process this tout suite, sofort, el mas rapido, all of that.

So please bring them on.
Yeah, don't really see why referencing other forums/market places should be factored into another sites view - Trust Pilot, for example, whilst good for some purchases, is notoriously bad for gambling: oh, i lost my deposit: rigged, kinda crap.

You can pick up patterns - eg. Casumo's site and SOW requests, rings true as so many, saying the same thing but even then as another site, i wouldn't hang my hat on them cos you know, players lie (as weird as that sounds)

I get where N1 is trying to go here, by not allowing JPG's but real and not forged PDF files from your bank.

I'm sorry i play for 3+ years at european casino's, only once upon signup i verified including all documents, and since then never a hassle. The whole n1 random thing it's on thin ice to be honest. Again it's not like the license is "cutting edge" and they can be fined for zillions.

If you think about why this stalling is slowing things down is going on: longer term profit for the casino. How many folks give up, spunk it or get frustrated, start cussing in mail and get their account blocked?

In my personal experience, you won't get ahead in the N1 casino. Ive played long enough there with budgets over 15k of deposits but never really even got close. its just enough to keep you going, and deposit some more.

So yeah if you wanna lose money, N1 is the absolute place to be. I know better casino's.
Don't get ripped off by shady casinos - check out the Accredited section before playing
Hello and thank you for your post. I get what you are saying, no doubt the repeated account renewals are a PITA, but at some point we have to draw a line and base our conclusions on what we know to be true. And so far what we know to be true is what I've said here over and over again: few official complaints (PABs), all reasonably handled (most in favour of the player), and perfectly decent Support staff to deal with complaints we bring to them. Yes, YMMV, but until we have good evidence on the table in front of us verified by us and our procedures then we have to base our conclusions on what we do have.

More than one person has said "yeah but just because you haven't seen valid complaints against N1 doesn't mean they don't exist". Quite so, 100% possible that we're not seeing the whole story, yet. But you know what? Our process, getting the facts before making judgements, has served us very well indeed over the years. It's not often we make a bad call -- it happens but I'd wager you can count the number of times on your fingers and given that Casinomeister has been doing what it does for well over 20 years that's not a bad record to hold -- and there's a reason for that: exactly because we wait to see the proof before we drop the axe.

And so it is here. Yes this can be frustrating at times but over the years we've seen off more than a few mob uprisings against Casino XYZ that proved, in the end, to be far less of a capitol offence than the popular voice would have it. In our opinion it's better to dig in our heels and ask questions first. If you want to condemn us for that then so be it but also remember this: if and when the evidence is in hand then we will act accordingly. We've proven this time and time again -- our Fall From Grace section of the Casinomeister Awards is a good and ongoing demonstration of that -- and will continue to do so.

As to the question of casino legality: the general wisdom is that if you play at a casino that is licensed in XYZ jurisdiction then it's the laws of that jurisdiction's home country that apply. After all, that's the country that is responsible for and has powers over said licensing body (however flacid said powers may be). So no, it's generally not your home country's laws that apply. To be frank, all kinds of businesses -- from oil companies to arms dealers to pharmaceutical sales to casinos -- choose their "home" country based on favourable local laws. The fact that this is often done in order to get away with a shopping list of loathsome practices is just one of the many crimes humanity inflicts upon itself: justice is fleet of foot and a very elusive beast.
Well Max here is another one for you....let me know how you think about this.
I got an email from N1 sayng that they give me the free "sh..it" spins wich they give every month. In the email i received it was specified the next and i quote:
A new set of free spins has been credited to your account. You just need to activate them in your account before playing. Good luck and have a great day!
Bonus conditions:

1. Maximum bet when playing with the bonus: 5 EUR or equivalents.
2. Wager: x50.
3. Maximum win from free spins: 50 EUR (50 USD, 75 CAD, 75 NZD, 225 PLN, 500 NOK, 3.750 RUB).
An exception can be made for loyal players and in case of a win the maximum win amount can be increased."
I played them and the win from them was around 7 euro or so..so the wager was around 350. Wich i did and also was lead to a total windrawl of 250. So i was request the windrawl and then surprise. The N1 casino rejected my windrawl and adjusted my balance to 50 claiming that the maximum win from the spins is 50 euro. Here is there email:

Your cash-out request of 250.0 was canceled.

The maximum you will ever be able to withdraw from play with funds associated with a (no-deposit) bonus is 50 EUR. According to our bonus terms, your balance has been corrected due to the maximum win amount. Please, order an entire sum for withdrawal as any further winnings gained from this sum will be counted as gained from the bonus and be subject to void."
What do you think about this MAX. They are playng with words or not? So basically if that was the case , the casino was automatically adjust the balance at the end of wagering.....this never happend and i played a lot after.
Is this a case of them having fun of the customers?
Sorry I don't play -- haven't gambled for over a decade -- and have very little experience with taking bonuses. Given that I've been dealing with player complaints against casinos full time for the last 15 years I'm sure you'll understand that I've seen all the horror stories and have long since decided that being one of the victims of casino trickery is not the life for me. That said, as far as I can tell from the scenario you've described the answer would be "no".

Many if not all casinos require you to clear your bonus winnings __before__ proceeding to further play and/or taking another bonus. That's what it sounds like here, AFAICT.

- Max
N1 was indeed a very nice place to play when they opened.
Remember winning a 10k jackpot and the best agent I ever dealt on any casinos manually flushed my withdrawal after an hour since their system was blocking anything more than 6k by default per 24h.

It was incredible how fast they were. High rtp version on all providers.
Instant 10% cashback on request in live chat.
I was not even playing at bet365 and betsson for almost 2 years.
And then they started to lie. The bs was acceptable at first. Some promises not honored here and there. Then asking players for suggestions for the new incredible vip program ... That was in reality... One year without any comps and/or decent offers and a copy paste of the first one but way less valuable after 16 months.
Then after 500$ lost, cashback couldn't be honoured because I won some money on a specific date last week. Then a other time .. then again.... Then payments were less instant ..them they were stalled for our own security because rerereverification was needed. With insane requests obviously. An easy and popular exemple? Bank statement with name date and time beside every transaction and on the same page. There is no Canadian bank in the real work that will ever produce that. Maybe if you invest 80 hours of your time and bother a branch manager physically until he is scared for his life. Apart from that,. Not possible. All of a sudden, no payments unless it's provided to them.
Then deposit offers with the same wording than usual.... But... The usual betsoft free spins offer... Like 30$ deposit for 50 spins worth 0.25$ (12.50 value) with 50x wager... Which is by the way not incredibly good...
Became one cent spins so 25 times less than the game own minimal bet... And their rep from another brand was even. Telling is to f off here in the forum because he thought that anything free shouldn't be something to complain about.
A couple of months after that, they clearly sold to another crew. Emails were completely different. Low mid versions on all portfolio. Except free money obviously.

Pretty much the same happened to slotwolf.

I will never know if that was all intentional and already planned since the beginning. I personnaly think they are geniuses. Evil ones though.

At one point I felt like ladyhammer vip manager cared for me. And that Alex at n1 was there to fix anything.

Then ladyhammer bonus banned me because... I won a couple dollars with my bday bonus.

Then n1 stop processing withdrawals. Asking for sow.
Then I realized how dumb I was.

Why am I telling all of this?
Because I can't believe the boss and max are answering these answers one after the other.
I have no doubts you two are 100% honest people.
I can assure you that technically they never did anything dangerous or illegal to me... You can believe me though. I have a very high level of tolerance towards online casinos and their consistant immoral actions. N1 lied hundreds of times to me. In the exact precise way that someone very intelligent would, if he had the intention to screw you until you starve and dissapear. Please save me the : we are happy to help if you encounter any issue. How many players go insane with their psychological torture related to any withdrawal? Way more than you think. Almost everyone but the 9 you saved in your PABs since they joined here.

Do you guys ever hear these issues related to bml , coolbet or bet365?
You win, they pay. And that's it.

Sorry if I sound like a crying baby. It hurts a little bit to realize that no trust ever should be given to any online casino employees. Especially anyone related to n1.

But don't forget... MGA laws are very strict and...

Sorry I don't play -- haven't gambled for over a decade -- and have very little experience with taking bonuses. Given that I've been dealing with player complaints against casinos full time for the last 15 years I'm sure you'll understand that I've seen all the horror stories and have long since decided that being one of the victims of casino trickery is not the life for me. That said, as far as I can tell from the scenario you've described the answer would be "no".

Many if not all casinos require you to clear your bonus winnings __before__ proceeding to further play and/or taking another bonus. That's what it sounds like here, AFAICT.

- Max
You dissapoint me :). You did not even ask for more info..just a bit. The reality is that my balance was 32 euro at start of waggering.25 euro was come from a vip bonus wich did not have any kind of winning limit and waager conditions. So in the end they used that 7 euro thing to decline the full amount of 250 , even using mathematic and using their own T&C , if the winning was need to be wagered 50 times and 7x50 =350 , then why are they sayng my win was 50? Oblivioselly the wagered sum was for 7 euro and not for 50.
It is very simple and straight forward ,and that is the reason why their system was not automatic correct my balance at the end of the wagerring .But when tried to windraw the winnings...Surprise!
In the end i will say this. Even i respect you for what you are doing , you are loosing a lot of credibility having this Jokers on your reviews hall of honor.
You dissapoint me :). You did not even ask for more info..just a bit. The reality is that my balance was 32 euro at start of waggering.25 euro was come from a vip bonus wich did not have any kind of winning limit and waager conditions. So in the end they used that 7 euro thing to decline the full amount of 250 , even using mathematic and using their own T&C , if the winning was need to be wagered 50 times and 7x50 =350 , then why are they sayng my win was 50? Oblivioselly the wagered sum was for 7 euro and not for 50.
It is very simple and straight forward ,and that is the reason why their system was not automatic correct my balance at the end of the wagerring .But when tried to windraw the winnings...Surprise!
In the end i will say this. Even i respect you for what you are doing , you are loosing a lot of credibility having this Jokers on your reviews hall of honor.
You can't blame the guy that deals with complaints. N1, let's call them like that because they are the only ones having to mention they are an entirely different casino than their sister site with same practice. Well, they are excellent at being fair and straight to the point with the right persons. Why would they be with anyone without influence or potential big long term profit? The usual pseudo regular that dumps a couple thousand a year, is the target. Why would anyone believe him anyway? A gambler is a gambler right? People going nuts and losing their house with reversed withdrawals won't ever be the stars. Makes more sense to do business with an n1 rep that always pays on time vs listen to a problematic person that sounds like the last one that lied since day one. Sorry but I can't resist with the devil's advocate urge.
Just stop playing at n1 guys? Unless you enjoy being humiliated over a decade.
Don't get ripped off by shady casinos - check out the Accredited section before playing
... Sorry but I can't resist with the devil's advocate urge. ...
Yes, very funny, but put yourself in our position. On the one hand there's the huge amounts of bitching and moaning but on the other hand no one has come forward with a legitimate case that comes anywhere near backing up the haters' tales of horror and woe. We're supposed to take the internet babble as proof?

Ok, let's say we did accept the gossip and rumours as something to take action on against the casino. The next time a casino asked us to take their dodgy stories about some player as "proof" we'd have to take that seriously too. What then? Let me give you a hint: we become worthless as a source of reliable, defensible action. No thank you. I'll stick to the rule I've had for many years now: proof keeps everything friendly.

Prove a case against the casino and we'll take action. Until then, as already said several times, we'll proceed with what we know and hold the course until there are good, substantiated reasons to do otherwise.

- Max
Yes, very funny, but put yourself in our position. On the one hand there's the huge amounts of bitching and moaning but on the other hand no one has come forward with a legitimate case that comes anywhere near backing up the haters tales of horror and woe. We're supposed to take the internet babble as proof?

Ok, let's say we did accept the gossip and rumours as something to take action on against the casino. The next time a casino asked us to take their dodgy stories about some player as "proof" we'd have to take that seriously too. What then? Let me give you a hint: we become worthless as a source of reliable, defensible action. No thank you. I'll stick to the rule I've had for many years now: proof keeps everything friendly.

Prove a case against the casino and we'll take action. Until then, as already said several times, we'll proceed with what we know and hold the course until there are good, substantiated reasons to do otherwise.

- Max
I wasn't sarcastic. I would do the same in your position. Deep down you know they are hustlers though.
Deep down you know they are hustlers though.
What I "know" and what I can prove are all too often not the same thing. Casinos aren't the only ones to benefit from that "reasonable doubt", players skate by on it all the time too. It's a terrible, unfair world, no doubt about it. My little corner of it is kept tidy-ish by insisting on proof. No proof? Then no case. Is that an overly simplistic way to do business? Maybe, but like democracy it's a terrible system except for all the alternatives being worse.

- Max
What I "know" and what I can prove are all too often not the same thing. Casinos aren't the only ones to benefit from that "reasonable doubt", players skate by on it all the time too. It's a terrible, unfair world, no doubt about it. My little corner of it is kept tidy-ish by insisting on proof. No proof? Then no case. Is that an overly simplistic way to do business? Maybe, but like democracy it's a terrible system except for all the alternatives being worse.

- Max
Maxx..just for the sake of the players and so on..do you want me to open a pab on this thing and you look into it? Just for the cause because i don't give a damm on the 200 they stoped. But just for Democracy as you said.
You will look into this matter profesionally....what do you say?
Of course! We've made that offer many times already. AFAIC you don't need a personal invitation but if so then "yes please @Subyzero please send us your PAB".

- Max
Don't get ripped off by shady casinos - check out the Accredited section before playing

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