Boo hoo - I'm sad: Meister Meeting 2021

... and we wonder why the Covid numbers aren't falling fast enough :eek2:

Personally I am still VERY reluctant to be indoors in busy places, despite being double jabbed and soon to be triple jabbed.
(Yes I am one of the few people still wearing a face mask in all shops I go in).

I love the Miester Meet, but to be honest Tuesday is not an ideal day for me. Most years I have gone to London on Tuesday, come home that night and then gone back up for LAC on Thursday! So a meeting in the evening of a "LAC day" would be my ideal scenario - though I know this may be tricky for Bryan and some others due to work meetings.

Anyway whatever, if there is a Meister Meet I will do my best to be there no matter which day or location it is :thumbsup:

Nope, I still wear masks on public transport and in shops etc. The public seem to like that fact as well..

Don't forget the UK detects more cases than most countries due to huge amounts of testing we do here. The numbers here remain static with the vast majority of deaths or serious cases in those who choce not be vaccinated:


It's not until the 50-59 age group that we even see any noticeable deaths among the vaccinated and under 70 they are extremely rare, well in excess of 10,000-1.
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Yes, I'll wear facial placebos whilst on public transport, as our dickhead mayor has decreed it, and I'm hardly what you'd call inconspicuous. Yet when actually taking the time to look around, I see near enough everyone mask-less! And yet, I continue....

Shops I may opt to don a mask, or may not, it's not a requirement, but if heaving with people then perhaps so.

Went almost full- Hazmat suit the other day to the cinema, step through and what do I see? mask-less revellers buying popcorn and nachos, almost as if it were 'normal'!

Yes it may seem strange if flying over from somewhere that still heavily mandates Covid restrictions, but from what I can tell, many venues here don't, leaving it to individuals regarding masks and so forth. Those that have 'chosen' to get vaxxed most likely have, and the most vulnerable you'd think mostly have been as well.

It's got to the point where the perceived threat is greater than any actual one, governments have seemingly conditioned folk into irrational behaviours, like the classic 'hey it's someone else walking towards me, I'll step into the road' manoeuvre, and similar banalities that have got folk into a tizzy.

So until we go full-Austria with the segregation of vaxxed/ unvaxxed, I intend to go to pubs and so forth not masked- up to the hilt. Because if that were to be the requirement, I should imagine my response to be something along the lines of

"Fuck that"
I've been in Vegas all week. Wearing masks inside is obligatory and on the whole 99.9% of people are wearing them and going on with their normal lives. The casinos and strip have been packed this week, I've never seen it busier than last night. There's been a UFC fight going on and a two day music festival on the strip which has seen large numbers of people arriving.

I'll certainly be glad to get back to the UK and not have to wear a mask unless I decide I want to. I went to a couple of concerts in London during the past few weeks and no one was wearing a mask.
I am glad that more and more interesting events are taking place lately. I'm going to visit the local casino tonight and have some fun.

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