Gun Control debate - What the hell is wrong with people???

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...says the guy who wrote this:

Openly says that he doesn't respect people, then cries when he feels that he's not respected later in the thread. Have a nice family dinner.

Of course I don't respect anyone who makes a claim that I'd stand behind the woman getting raped; I didn't disrespect you nor attack you; I actually DO respect anyone's right to believe they should own a gun, even if I don't agree with it, I DO believe you've the right to believe it. I've never went after someone personally here. I also never cried about boo. That's YOU making another personal attack.
I can think of plenty of different common scenarios where a gun would have (and did) save a woman from being raped. Guy approaching with a knife, for example.

I'm done with this thread now. You guys have never shot a gun or done any research on this subject, you are arguing over a subject you absolutely don't know and it's pointless.

I never suggested YOU were crying when YOU wanted to step out of the thread. Leave the personal attacks out of the thread.
Looks to me like this party has gone WAY out of bounds: thread closed.

If someone has something they are desperate to add to the discussion feel free to contact a Moderator.
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