Weird sh!t happens

Sorry for your loss, Spend 2 months watching the best dog in the world die from heart disease, finally put to sleep
in November after the vets had taken me for as much as they could.Still have nightmares about his final day and how he
was treated.Yep they are only animals but to me they are far more loving than any human and when you lose them it
is exactly the same as losing a family member.
Also to anyone who's lost a beloved pet I can relate at the absolute and utter heartbreak. I had two female kitties. Both adoptees.
The first fought disease she was most likely born with (feline aids) until she was 8 years old and finally lost her battle. The previous vet who took over our retired vets practice, tried to charge us charged hundreds and claimed she had no feline aids virus and wanted to do all sorts of tests which ran in the hundreds.
We took her to another vet for second opinion where his test showed us yes she had a disease but it was FLV (feline leukemia) and she had been fighting it years and it had finally taken over and was affecting all her organs and she was in pain.
We made the painful decision to put her to sleep in Jan 19. Then in November 19 my other kitty who was 5 suddenly gained a hard mass on her shoulder. Vet took the lump out and said testing would be 340+ but he said it was in his opinion most likely cancer of the lymph nodes. She came home after surgery and seemed to be her old self again. Two weeks passed and one day I picked her up.and my usually cuddly easygoing bestie who constantly slept besides me and was like an overgrown kitten who I adored with all my heart, had a hard long lump under her tummy and hind leg. Lat 3years later even though in 2020 my girls finally convinced me to let them get a new kitty whom I've paid a few hundred in vet bills for so far. The obvious ones -vaccines, neutering,.parasite treatment -and then when he was bitten by another cat so deep it looked like he'd ben shot with a pellet gun he needed treatment that cost 400eur but these animals are FAMILY and if it was your kid you'd do anything for them. I feel like that about my kitties

MILO(ginger), SCRAPPY (grey tabby) she was a cantankerous very independent kitty but our first adopted cat loved to bits and last two are SCOUT (calico tabby) my furry bestie, such a loving kitty, rarely left my side especially when I would be in severe pain in bed. Her death really hit me very hard after Scrappys death 11 mths previous)
So sorry for your loss there not just pets there family I lost my boy as you may of read above with endless tests specialist's cost me and my partner not far off 14thousand£, we had to give him a chance as he was our life, what they charge is horrendous his medicated food alone was £40 a week, I'm just glad he's in heaven knowing we did our best for him 💔
My boy was finally put to rest on 22nd Nov,right till end the I was screwed
by the vets, was never going to be a good day but they turned it into a nightmare,poor lad was vitually drowning due to fluid caused by heart failure and I knew I had end his suffering and having had dogs put to
sleep twice before I was hoping it could be done in 10 mins after arriving
at the vets but they decieded to do scans which only proved that he had heart
failure, which was pathetic as they had previously done scans showing
that and prescribed meds for it.In the end it took 90 mins before he was put to sleep,dog was terrified of vets and had to wait and suffer all that time so they could charge an extra £400.Lodged a complaint the same
day, still waiting for a response.
I swear most vets are money grabbing, evil @$$!'s
I swear most vets are money grabbing, evil @$$!'s
It's shocking sorry for your loss, not sure if you've read my post but they took me n the wife for just over £12,000 in total and the poor little boy passed away a week after 😥

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